Narrator: Once upon a time there lived six children in an ordinary cabin had an ordinary school. But the one thing was that they felt something was missing in there life but they did not Know.
Petunia: So what are we going to do today.
Rose: Yeah what are we going to do today Daisy?
Daisy: Well we could go to my house today I guess.
Rose Petunia: OK then will meet at the field at 5:00.
Daisy: Cool. I will meet you guys at 5:00 bye.
Narrator: They head off to their house to do there homework and soon was 5:00. When they got to the field they all started to talk.
They all walk of the stage
Narrator: School time begun and the three girls were sitting down waiting for there teacher Mrs Collins she had not much humor when her cat died .
All : Good morning Mrs Collins.
Mrs Collins : “ Daisy, Daisy wake up Daisy.
Daisy: What huh ???
Max: Hey Daisy you need some help.
Mrs Collins: Shhhhh
Daisy: (Whisper) Yes please maybe at lunch.
Max: cool.
Mrs Collins: Ok. Now we are all going to get into groups for the science fair. Now Daisy you are with Max and Rose you are with Trevor and Petunia you are with Beetle Buzz.
Class: Great (sarcastic)
Mrs collins : Ohhh don’t be party poopers class.
Class: Fine
Narrator: After school the six children ran to the field to find discus what they were going to do for the science fair project.
Max: How about going on an adventure to find that magical necklace that the robber hid on the our island.
All/not max: Ok
Rose: We’ll go tomorrow on the weekends.
All/not rose: Cool
Narrator: Tomorrow morning the all meet at the four square ready to go on the adventure.
Trevor: Let’s go.
Beetle buzz: Yeah let’s go.
Narrator: They all set of into the bush behind the four square
Treavor: I bet this is going to be fun.
Narrator: After a few days the finally reached their destination the mystical town of wonders.
Max: Woow… The mystical town of wonders.
Beetle buzz: This is wicked.
Treavor: You think.
Girls: It’s beautiful
Rose: Hey look there is the necklace. Let's’ grab it and go.
Petunia: Well, are you guys just going to stand there or what.
Narrator: But they did not Know what had they had coming against.
Petunia: Guys look, there are traps everywhere.
Trevor: O.M.G Man this robber is scary.
All/not Treavor: Yeah!!!
Beetle Buzz: How are we going to get across there now when all these traps could kill us.
Narrator: All the boys and girls huddled up in a bunch talking how to get across to the other side.
Rose: I`ve got an idea,throw sticks on the traps so the robber thinks he’s caught us and make sure you are 100% sure that the traps have been set off.
Narrator: So after a few hours of setting traps off with sticks and anything thing they could find, like Rose’s perfume or daisy’s shoe they all finished and stepped around the traps they found a deep lagoon and in the middle was the necklace.
Trevor: So who is the most athletic person here and can swim 50 metres to the necklace.
Daisy: but there is bound to be traps around the display case.
Petunia: Yeah there might actually be traps but there must be a way to get there.
Max: let’s make a rope with with a heavy stone attached to the end.
Beetle Buzz: but I don’t have rope that is 50 metres long, I only have rope that is 25 metres.
Rose: Wait… I have rope that is 35 metres.. So 25 plus 35 equals 60 meters so we have more than enough.
All: Good.
Narrator:So they headed of to do it. They all worked together to achieve their goal of trying to make this work.
All: Yes .
Narrator: They finally made the other side of the traps.
Rose:Hey look, there is the beautiful necklace!, Its way more amazing than I thought.
Beetle Buzz:Lets take it back and we will give it to Mrs Collins.
Treaver: Well we better get and go now beacuse look the sun is going down.
Next mornig at school.
Petunia:Here you go Mrs Collins. I,We got this magnificint necklace can you give it to the police.
Mrs Collins:Umm,well that is a mazing i am literily speach,speach.
All: Yes Yes we get.
Mrs Collins: Yup I will definetly take it to the police straight away. Now for your good behaver and good team work I will give guys a..
All Kids: Well(listning in)
MrsCollins:I will give you no homework for three days.
By Reese Amoore
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