Friday, 1 December 2017

(:How Mushrooms Reproduce:)

We’ve all seen how mushrooms and life cycle work right.But have you ever wondered how they reproduce. There’s a question you’ve never answered before.Well I will tell you the different stages of how mushrooms reproduce.

Mushrooms grow under ground because mushrooms prefer the dark more than light, so they can grow two times as large as they were before. Spores are produced and reproduced by fruiting body.Tiny spores can drift of the mushroom if there is a cool or hard breeze.Soon enough the spores come out of the ground to the mushroom that will grow at the end of its growth it will have about 92% of water in a single mushroom how fascinating is that.

The fruiting body is part of the mating typs.There is a fuse before forming the new fruit body that the spore produced as I told you earlier on.Some mushrooms look like pom poms.Which actually are called monky Pom poms. They will grow on the forest floor or in your mushroom farm. If you live some where on a hill or some where high you will problly or most likely have lots of wind around your area and that will cause the spores to come of the mushroom or mushrooms.The fruiting body is invisable so you can see it grow way better.

Each mushroom will or not be breathed in by an animal of some sort or fall into a river that is near by and not survive at all. Also the criminals in the mushroom can’t repeat its self. Some mushrooms are quite simerlier nearly identical so you could be mistaken by the right and wrong mushrooms to eat. Mushrooms have soundsand gills so there not like odinary vegitables.

These are the three stages of mushroom reproduction.Now you know how the mushroom reproduction goes.So maybe you can add it to your list.

Friday, 24 November 2017

Book Week
Book week went in a flash which was sad.But any way. My favorite part of book week was dressing up and doing the quiz I dressed up as Alice from Alice In Wonderland.Our reader was Kat Merry weather.I had so much fun spending time with my dad at the picnic.I bought a book called Finding Black Beauty I am still reading it and still enjoying it right now I am up to page 123.Stu Duval came showed  us some excellent art work and told a really good story also we won the picture. Here are some photos from book week. All parents hope you liked the book fair:) Reese

Friday, 17 November 2017

Athletics was so much fun racing with all my mates. My favorite things to do was high jump and long jump. In high jump I got up to a meter I got up to my bp (Personal Best).My friends and I are so excited and puffed.Especially me because I was in the eleven year old's.
The Adventures
Narrator: Once upon a time there lived six children in an ordinary cabin had an ordinary school. But the one thing was that they felt something was missing in there life but they did not Know.

Petunia: So what are we going to do today.

Rose: Yeah what are we going to do today Daisy?

Daisy: Well we could go to my house today I guess.

Rose Petunia: OK then will meet at the field at 5:00.

Daisy: Cool.  I will meet you guys at 5:00 bye.

Narrator: They head off to their house to do there homework and soon was 5:00. When they got to the field they all started to talk.

                                         They all walk of the stage

Narrator: School time begun and the three girls were sitting down waiting for there teacher Mrs Collins she had not much humor when her cat died .

All : Good morning Mrs Collins.

Mrs Collins : “ Daisy, Daisy wake up Daisy.

Daisy: What huh ???

Max: Hey Daisy you need some help.

Mrs Collins: Shhhhh

Daisy: (Whisper) Yes please maybe at lunch.

Max: cool.

Mrs Collins: Ok. Now we are all going to get into groups for the science fair. Now Daisy you are with Max and Rose you are with Trevor and Petunia you are with Beetle Buzz.

Class: Great (sarcastic)
Mrs collins : Ohhh don’t be party poopers class.

Class: Fine

Narrator: After school the six children ran to the field to find discus what they were going to do for the science fair project.

Max: How about going on an adventure to find that magical necklace that the robber hid on the our island.

All/not max: Ok

Rose: We’ll go tomorrow on the weekends.

All/not rose: Cool


Narrator: Tomorrow morning the all meet at the four square ready to go on the adventure.

Trevor: Let’s go.

Beetle buzz: Yeah let’s go.

Narrator: They all set of into the bush behind the four square

Treavor: I bet this is going to be fun.

Narrator: After a few days the finally reached their destination the mystical town of wonders.

Max: Woow… The mystical town of wonders.

Beetle buzz: This is wicked.

Treavor: You think.

Girls: It’s beautiful

Rose: Hey look there is the necklace. Let's’ grab it and go.

Petunia: Well, are you guys just going to stand there or what.

Narrator: But they did not Know what had they had coming against.

Petunia: Guys look, there are traps everywhere.

Trevor: O.M.G Man this robber is scary.

All/not Treavor: Yeah!!!

Beetle Buzz: How are we going to get across there now when all these traps could kill us.

Narrator: All the boys and girls huddled up in a bunch talking how to get across to the other side.

Rose: I`ve got an idea,throw sticks on the traps so the robber thinks he’s caught us and make sure you are 100% sure that the traps have been set off.

Narrator: So after a few hours of setting traps off with sticks and anything thing they could find, like Rose’s perfume or daisy’s shoe they all finished and stepped around the traps they found a deep lagoon and in the middle was the necklace.

Trevor: So who is the most athletic person here and can swim 50 metres to the necklace.

Daisy: but there is bound to be traps around the display case.

Petunia: Yeah there might actually be traps but there must be a way to get there.

Max: let’s make a rope with with a heavy stone attached to the end.

Beetle Buzz: but I don’t have rope that is 50 metres long, I only have rope that is 25 metres.

Rose: Wait… I have rope that is 35 metres.. So 25 plus 35 equals 60 meters so we have more than enough.

All: Good.

Narrator:So they headed of to do it. They all worked together to achieve their goal of trying to make this work.

All: Yes .

Narrator: They finally made the other side of the traps.

Rose:Hey look, there is the beautiful necklace!, Its way more amazing than I thought.

Beetle Buzz:Lets take it back and we will give it to Mrs Collins.

Treaver: Well we better get and go now beacuse look the sun is going down.

Next mornig at school.
Petunia:Here you go Mrs Collins. I,We got this magnificint necklace can you give it to the police.

Mrs Collins:Umm,well that is a mazing i am literily speach,speach.

All: Yes Yes we get.

Mrs Collins: Yup I will definetly take it to the police straight away. Now for your good behaver and good team work I will give guys a..

All Kids: Well(listning in)

MrsCollins:I will give you no homework for three days.

By Reese Amoore

Grabbing rapidly the beastly weeds pull at my terrified legs,trying to pull me under.” Got Ya”. I urned to go back. Still swimming,I finally reached my destination hope depended on me.The freezing water trickled down my legs running away for what was going to happen next.Revolting as it sounds smell swam around in my nose.

The unconstrained lake seemed to take for ever. But one by one everybody got on with it. But the elated source flew past the camp like a  tsunami.
By Reese Amoore

Friday, 3 November 2017

How the kiwi lost its wings. Thanks to Dareeya for recording our movie.And also thanks to Libby for being my awesome partner. Hope you like it.

How the kiwi lost its wings

Monday, 16 October 2017

Here is my video of how the kiwi lost its wings
By Reese and Libby.

Friday, 22 September 2017


Morning evening and night the birds sing with delight,
Morning evening and night we birds simply fly with no fright,
But birds don't just fly or sing there many other things,
Birds aren't shambolic there perfect pretty and precise,
Free Free Free yeapy

School Life
School life 
School work
Fun fun fun
Weaving wafting
Heaps of fun
Laugh laughter all sorts too
Bring some joy to school school school.

Friday, 15 September 2017

Choices for Life

                                                           Production Reflection

This year our production got more exciting with lots of amazing things like getting ready for our show and putting on our costumes and all sorts of stuff. But the most elating, was taking my role and achieving learning my lines.

The production was about Integrity and responsibility. As you can see in our production, it was all hard work. It took ages for us to finish the background. But we finished it thank goodness. Later the next day when the production only just started everybody were going crazy ok really crazy, even me.

Production was really hard but we made it through. Yeah. Later, when we finished the production, everybody was soooo tired - we practically did nothing except for basic stuff... even today we're tired .

Thankyou Mrs Strathern and Mrs Hobbs also Mr Gemmel for making this. We had so much fun!!!

Good night.

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

The birds call for the wind .
Birds sing for the sky but wait for the sign.
Quietly waiting still for sunrise to come.
Orange ,Red and Yellow too, makes the birds blush as they fly past in the blue.
Rocky streams and moonlight bright the stars say goodnight.
So mountain birds sing as we bring sleep tonight .
Children tucked up  in bed fast asleep.
While adults sit quietly watching T.V.
Morning rise becomes a surprise to everybody in light.

Sunshine birds sing a song as we all have a picnic and bring a long a little joy to our faveritw song.

Friday, 18 August 2017

Swimming Isn't just winning


“On your marks,get set,go” I dive in,it was my time to shine.Racing through to the flags I hit the wall and do my tragic tumble turn. Last few meters away then I would clear my goal of scores. Ohno whats happning to my legs they are  starting to go into sleep mode.Pulling my way through the vivid water,I take my last and finall breeth befor I touch the finish line.As the source of my brain  was telling me to be strong even if I didn’t win but that I fun. Glaring up I see what I did not expect to see It was.Ahhhh.

Wednesday, 31 May 2017

                                                                          Koro Art

My Koro art is for my house and my house is Kiwi it is the best house not to brag. So here is a photo that is down the bottom of the page. I am going to talk about my art and show you what it means. So the koros on the right is how they reach out for each other and the big koro that looks like a hammerhead is the strength of our house.
Here is a little slide show about my Treaty. Hope you like it.:)

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

   Dissecting !!!

“Bloop” “Bloop”. The heart gets sloped on the silver plated dish wobbling I cut into the slimy thing. The fat was as hard as a bolder but that was because it had been in the freezer. Slicing carefully I put my hand in the heart. At first I thought it was abhorrent but it was actually is was pretty cool . The fat was really vivid which I thought was a bit unusual.Cutting the supple heart was really easy to cut. The little tissues were like little tiny parachutes hanging on the side of the heart to separate the blood and sometimes the air.

The first bit of our disecting was looking at the brain and other gross stuff that are in our body like the food tube and the air tube I know it is abhorrent but it is actually amazing to room 9 in. The source of the brain was weird because the start of it is a bit floppy but that is where it connects to the eyes and the eyes are connected to the brain the brain has little lines in it as you would think your own self it would have and you are right. They do have lines. The brain has lines because your head wiggles a lot and little lines form on your brain. And that is why your head is mottled.

A TV kind of pregnancy for animals came in but we can use it to show people how your heart works the TV kind of thing was very verdant on the side. All of room 9 was very elated because this was very interesting. They were all berserk finally they calmed down and we were able to start. First Ben Aidan dad showed us how it works and showed us his heat it was pretty amazing then some of the room 9 children had a try of looking at there hearts thankfully they were all alive.

 Image result for A heart sign   Maybe you could have a try!!!

Reese's Learning Conference

On Tuesday I had my learning conference. But first I had to wait for Lucia to finish her learning conference which was annoying. Yey I yelled as I went to my class room. I was a bit nerves when I went in but I made it through. First I had to greet my mum in and show her my slide about my learning and what I do at school and she is at home.    


Friday, 12 May 2017

My learning conference by Reese                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Hope you like my video because  I really worked hard on my learning conference..:):):)

Thursday, 13 April 2017

Reese: Why do we still have battery hen farms?

Imagine you stuck in a cage all squashed up laying 30 million of eggs per year. Because they spend the rest of their lives crowded in a space about the size of a file drawer with four other hens unable to lift a single wing.

Battery cages housing system used for various animal production methods. It is hard to ears the image of tragic looking battery that I found myself holding to have the battery cage banned.

At just a few days old, a large portion of each hens beak is cut of with a burning hot blade, and no painkillers used. Many birds, unable to eat because of the pain,die from dehydration and weakened immune systems.

Why should we have chickens locked up in a cage trying to lay eggs. Because they are tired and they never get a break. So I think that we need to leave them alone.

After two years in these conditions,the hens bodies are exhausted, and their egg production drops and they are tossed into trash bags while they are still alive.

And that's why I don't think we should have battery hen farms anymore.
Moon Phases By Reese
The moon can be all tips of shapes. There can be a moon shaped liked a fingernail and some can be a full moon but there is a little bit missing. I`m talking about moon phases.

We can’t see the moon-it looks like a dark circle. The moon looks bigger each night. We see all of the moon’s surface that is reflecting sunlight. The moon looks smaller each night.

The waxing moon is when you can see only a little bit of the moon and that is called the waxing moon.
That means

The sun's position only is showing nearly all of the moon but some of it is still there.

The full moon is when the sun is reflecting all of the moon. Sometimes It`s orange and sometimes it`s white.

Name? Term 4 Goals
In reading my goal is to go up to (P) by the end of the year but I still haven't got there yet. Right now  I am on list ( L)  but I am not that far from being to list (P) I just need 3 more lists to go then I am on (P). To get there I need to work hard and and push myself to the limit to get to (P). I hope I get there before the term ends.

In math my goal is to be  at level 6 because I have been working really hard to challenge myself but I just still haven't got there yet but hopefully I will get there some time. To reach this goal I will have to challenge myself even more to get up to get up to level 6 In maths. I just hope it is not too late.

In writing my goal is to be at level 3A by the end of the year. Now I am at 3A soon I will be at 3P I am very excited to reach my goal and achieve my goal getting to 3A.

My goal for reading is that I want to go up to level 10 by the end of the year but to achieve that I need to listen hard and practice reading every night.
Swimming sports
Swimming sports is so much fun if you went to it but anyway it was really awesome how all the parents came to see us compete in our races and cheer for us. My races were all of them which was pretty cool I just love all my strokes and I like competing in races and to challenge myself so I can keep going faster and faster in my races.
                                       Amazing     Integrity Games
A few days ago we did something special for the little kids (Rata Team). We did games for them, what my budy and I  did was a obstacle course In my group was my friend Isla and I. It was amazing.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Frighteningly, the children race to get there games to get ready before Rata Team gets there . We race to our spots, we were number ten, Finally, the children come all of us get exited first we had room two which was awesome because they are the best class in Rata Team. So when we took them over we had a little talk to tell them the instructions.

  1. It will change ways.
  2. If it gets hard tell us and we will help you.
  3. please don't get hurt. Or if you get hurt we will look after you.
  4. And hopefully you will have fun with you.

Line up please, I shouted in surprise. They all lined up, they were ready to get the hard work done. when we waged the the the ribbon they ran as fast as they could to jump in the hoops, then they skip frantically around trying to not get tangled up in the skipping rope. Then they go racing to get the stilts and stumble and fall to get to the other side. Finally they jump to side to side through the bending poles.

When we were finished playing our games with them they went back to there classes well we cleaned up our integrity games.

Image result for integrity   Integrity is a best way to play.