Thursday, 13 April 2017

Reese: Why do we still have battery hen farms?

Imagine you stuck in a cage all squashed up laying 30 million of eggs per year. Because they spend the rest of their lives crowded in a space about the size of a file drawer with four other hens unable to lift a single wing.

Battery cages housing system used for various animal production methods. It is hard to ears the image of tragic looking battery that I found myself holding to have the battery cage banned.

At just a few days old, a large portion of each hens beak is cut of with a burning hot blade, and no painkillers used. Many birds, unable to eat because of the pain,die from dehydration and weakened immune systems.

Why should we have chickens locked up in a cage trying to lay eggs. Because they are tired and they never get a break. So I think that we need to leave them alone.

After two years in these conditions,the hens bodies are exhausted, and their egg production drops and they are tossed into trash bags while they are still alive.

And that's why I don't think we should have battery hen farms anymore.
Moon Phases By Reese
The moon can be all tips of shapes. There can be a moon shaped liked a fingernail and some can be a full moon but there is a little bit missing. I`m talking about moon phases.

We can’t see the moon-it looks like a dark circle. The moon looks bigger each night. We see all of the moon’s surface that is reflecting sunlight. The moon looks smaller each night.

The waxing moon is when you can see only a little bit of the moon and that is called the waxing moon.
That means

The sun's position only is showing nearly all of the moon but some of it is still there.

The full moon is when the sun is reflecting all of the moon. Sometimes It`s orange and sometimes it`s white.

Name? Term 4 Goals
In reading my goal is to go up to (P) by the end of the year but I still haven't got there yet. Right now  I am on list ( L)  but I am not that far from being to list (P) I just need 3 more lists to go then I am on (P). To get there I need to work hard and and push myself to the limit to get to (P). I hope I get there before the term ends.

In math my goal is to be  at level 6 because I have been working really hard to challenge myself but I just still haven't got there yet but hopefully I will get there some time. To reach this goal I will have to challenge myself even more to get up to get up to level 6 In maths. I just hope it is not too late.

In writing my goal is to be at level 3A by the end of the year. Now I am at 3A soon I will be at 3P I am very excited to reach my goal and achieve my goal getting to 3A.

My goal for reading is that I want to go up to level 10 by the end of the year but to achieve that I need to listen hard and practice reading every night.
Swimming sports
Swimming sports is so much fun if you went to it but anyway it was really awesome how all the parents came to see us compete in our races and cheer for us. My races were all of them which was pretty cool I just love all my strokes and I like competing in races and to challenge myself so I can keep going faster and faster in my races.
                                       Amazing     Integrity Games
A few days ago we did something special for the little kids (Rata Team). We did games for them, what my budy and I  did was a obstacle course In my group was my friend Isla and I. It was amazing.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Frighteningly, the children race to get there games to get ready before Rata Team gets there . We race to our spots, we were number ten, Finally, the children come all of us get exited first we had room two which was awesome because they are the best class in Rata Team. So when we took them over we had a little talk to tell them the instructions.

  1. It will change ways.
  2. If it gets hard tell us and we will help you.
  3. please don't get hurt. Or if you get hurt we will look after you.
  4. And hopefully you will have fun with you.

Line up please, I shouted in surprise. They all lined up, they were ready to get the hard work done. when we waged the the the ribbon they ran as fast as they could to jump in the hoops, then they skip frantically around trying to not get tangled up in the skipping rope. Then they go racing to get the stilts and stumble and fall to get to the other side. Finally they jump to side to side through the bending poles.

When we were finished playing our games with them they went back to there classes well we cleaned up our integrity games.

Image result for integrity   Integrity is a best way to play.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
Bike Reflection !!!

For the last few days we have been learning how to properly ride bikes as if we were on the road. E.g:

First we started of with a game that was pretty cool well that's what I thought. It was called stay in the box. And each time the box would  get smaller and smaller. First went the year 5s and second was the year 6s.

Secondly we went to do some training she told us that we have to keep concentrating on what you are doing otherwise you might hit somebody or you might fall over a do the dominoes.

Lastly we played this turtle game which you have to go really slow and the slowest person wins.

Friday, 7 April 2017

                Danger Ahead

Perching on a leaf,a tiny little creature tries to bounce off onto the ground. Pouncing of, the little tiny creature squirms to safety, but slowly he goes to safety he wriggles around the mottled grass as he finds a good place to hide and rest. Running slowly, he just about makes it until….

Thumping, like a giant the children are playing and one of them find the cute caterpillar. Racing as hard as he can doesn’t make it to his hideout. Jiggling, the little poor caterpillar tries to get out. The child shows the teacher the tiny little creature screaming in despair. Smiling, the child puts me back. Like a hawk he watches me squirm my way out of the gigantic hands and wiggled away purely.

Do not mess with children in these days there dangerous.!!!!

Blue  by Reese

Blue is the color of rain drops.
It is the cold winter as you drive through the blizzard.
It is the grey sky on a Monday night.
It is the grown of the wind howling at midnight.

Blue is the color of the tears running down my cheek.
It is the melt down when I want a ice cream.
It is the board faces on people when there trying to think.
It is the cold soggy towel that you have to get dry.

Blue is the color of the blue wonderful sky.
It is a color in the rainbow.
It is the water that you drink on a hot day.
It is the sweat from your head.

Blue is the color of your frown.
Blue is not fun at all.

Macro Shots of Water Drop Let

 Here is my Learning Conference:
I hope you like it!
Reese's Learning Conference Term 1 2017